Bube’s Brewery – January – 2021

Jott-Nyx Paranormal are the resident Paranormal Investigation team and they led the investigation. We are broken up into 3 teams and each time has a location which they investigate. The teams are always relatively small and comfortable given the location size. This is always a great location and typically does not disappoint.

Since we visited Bube’s twice in January, we decided to publish our findings for both investigations as a single post.

Our first visit was January 16th which was mired in equipment/battery issues, and out second visit was January 30th.

Things like our SLS lost all the recordings for Jan 16, the GS2 battery drained, ect.

The investigation includes the Ballroom, Catacombs, and the Gentleman’s club/bar area.

The Gentleman’s Club/Bar area.

The Bar area is always an interesting part of the Brewery. It has the main bar area, a small room off the bar which is often called the preacher’s room. Directly across from the bar is the canopy room, along with two other rooms.

A reoccurring theme for both investigations across multiple ITC devices was someone having to “Find Jesus.”

(Jan 16) We had a music box set up in the preacher’s room, we ask if the preacher is here with us:

You can hear the PhasmaBox responds with a “no” the music box going off in the preacher’s room and a “Z Pod” starting to go off.

(Jan 30) We were getting read to leave the Bar area and head over to the canopy room. While we were in there, we heard something crash from behind the bar. At the time we we were all convinced it sounded like a glass falling, although on audio review, it sounds much different. Still something falling, however we could not locate what fell.

(Jan 30) Here’s an extended version of the above, along with us discussing what we heard, also interesting how one of the other investigators and us comparing notes with what the Ovilus was saying and their app which they were using:

(Jan 30) We moved over to the canopy room and a K2 was starting going off. Right about 3 seconds in, just before another investigator says they feel like something is touching her, you can something in the white noise of our portal box.

(Jan 30) Also in the canopy room you can hear an investigator ask “Are you playing with us?” right about 2 seconds in it sounds like we get a response.

(Jan 30) We asked if there was someone there that we had not identified yet. About 5 seconds in we hear a whisper…

(Jan 30) We were getting ready to wrap up in the canopy room, here is an interesting extended session.

(Jan 30) The SLS was mapping something on the floor.

(Jan 30) We were in the canopy room and this interesting thing happened. You can see at first it looks like the SLS is mapping an investigator, but what it was mapping moved off the investigator and after it does the investigator then also gets mapped.

The Ballroom/Hotel

On Jan 30 we confirmed there was no one staying in the hotel. All of us heard foot steps and things sliding around up in the hotel area. Unfortunately our equipment did not seem to have captured any of this clear enough for us to present.

(Jan 16) An investigator was egging on the Preacher in the ballroom. About 2 1/2 seconds in It sounds like someone is defending the preacher:

(Jan 30) We can’t place exactly who or what made the “Yup” or Whoo Hoo…. We believe the whispering though was other investigators.

(Jan 30) This time an investigator was poking Henry, talking about the “Upstairs back room” Right about 4 1/2 seconds it seems there’s a response:

(Jan 30) Just before we were about leave an investigator invited Henry to use all her Energy to try to manifest. The SLS Pans over towards her.

The Catacombs

The catacombs are made up of 3 primary rooms. The lowest level which is most often seen and is at the bottom of the long set of stairs, the middle level, and the barrel room. We started off on the lowest level.

(Jan 30) We are hearing some interesting interactions from the phasmabox.

(Jan 30) We were running late, apparently Jott-nyx was trying to reach the group’s lead investigator to let them know it was time for us to pack up and leave, however the comms were not working. (Note they never had a problem working down there before). You can hear the phasmabox say “everybody out”

Then a couple of minutes later “Go”

Very shortly after that another member of Jott-Nyx came down and said they had been trying to reach us, that it was time for us to go wrapping up our night.