White Hill Mansion – March – 2021

The paranormal investigation of White Hill Mansion we went to was hosted by Light Within Paranormal. It was a multi group investigation along with Bat Paranormal, Dixieland Mystikal Society, Beyond The Grave Paranormal Investigations, and Jott-Nyx New Jersey

During our initial walk through, Tim went into the “Kitchen” and upon entering an unusual, but unidentifiable smell gave him a quick nauseous feeling. He went and got 2 other investigators from Light Within Paranormal who had significant reactions to the room.

Light Within Paranormal continued to investigate this space and seemed to have significant experiences in this area. See their page for more.

Our group, Jott-Nyx NJ, headed off into the speakeasy while other groups went to different areas of the mansion. Down in the speakeasy, we caught this EVP that can be heard at about 2 seconds in.

Our SLS Camera also caught the same EVP and may be a little easier to hear.

We moved back up to the “command center.” Several people from other groups were all gathered in there, and this interesting SLS Session occurred. The first mapped figure we believe to be a false mapping as window and door framing often times tricks SLS Cameras into thinking there’s a figure standing with it’s arms at it’s sides. The second and more interesting one though was mapped on the lower part of table. A cover was over the table nearly reaching the floor. While it is completely possible a false mapping may have occurred due to the wrinkles on the tablecloth there didn’t seem to be enough variations in it for a mapping to occur. Also the head of the figure it mapped protruded above the table where there was no object in range to seem like a head. In any event we thought it was interesting so here is the video we captured.

We went up to the second floor and decided to run a Phasmabox Session in one of the rooms. We did our normal introductions, and set everything up. Tim B. asked can you say one of our names and we got this through the Phasmabox. You really want to listen to whole clip.

Now what makes this really interesting, is not just the Tim, but the adding of something “Technology Solutions” to the end of it. This seems to be a direct reference to what Tim B. of Jott-Nyx NJ does professionally. This seems to be an important add on as there was another Tim in the building at the time.

Since the house has a history of Military use, we asked are you all the soldiers that came through here and we got this:

We moved to another room on the second floor. We caught some difficult to hear EVPs.
Right about 3.5 seconds in we get answer to a question

Needless to say we are looking forward to returning to White Hill Mansion, most likely when it’s warmer.