Looking for places to investigate…

It’s always interesting trying to decide where to investigate. There’s a lot of places out there on the list of locations we would love to investigate.

We have a few investigations we are going to be taking part in. Since we are so small, self financed, and have day jobs, we are mostly confined to using public investigations, public locations, and signing up for investigations led by other groups.

Some of the ones we are going to be doing in the near future:
Fort Mifflin
Burlington County Prison
Madison Seminary

Some of the places we are hopefully going to investigate are:
Hill View Manor
Eastern State Penn
Idaho State Tuberculosis Hospital

We do plan on returning to Gettysburg and Pennhurst.

Gettysburg we really want to investigate the Museum of Haunted Objects.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, just ideas of locations that are bouncing around inside of our heads right now.