Pennhurst Asylum – The Tunnels

There is a massive network of tunnels under Pennhurst covering a large portion of the campus. Most of the tunnels are closed though because they are simply not safe enough to be in.

Many of the tunnels are used for the Pennhurst Halloween haunted house so there are some props down there.

Hunting in the tunnels is VERY difficult if you are part of a group that you can not account for their whereabouts and what they are doing.

We did the best we could, but given the acoustics of the tunnels, and the sheer number of people inside of them, we ended up discarding all our EVP sessions. We could not tell if the whispering, bangs, walking, thuds ect., we were hearing was caused by someone else also investigating.

Audion illusions are easily created in the tunnels. For instance we were walking out of the tunnels, and we heard foot steps behind us. This is a simple to explain audio illusion. The sound of your own footsteps take time to travel back down the tunnel, hit the wall, and bounce back to you so you can hear them. That delay in the time you make the sound, and you hear the echo bounce back to you makes it sound like those footsteps are independent of you creating the illusion.

We also heard a lot of “crawling” type sounds and have a feeling we can credit some of the noises we heard to these little things…

Please ignore the time/date stamp on the video. As we posted this we realized several devices which stamp time and date did not have their settings corrected before use.

We did fire up BooBuddy, the Paralus app, and good ol fashioned voice recorder. BooBuddy asked “What color is the light in my tummy?” and investigator Erica B. reads the response from the Paralus App which said “Enter”

We did catch something in the tunnels which sounds like something right next to our recorder is trying to clear it’s throat…