Pennhurst Asylum – Devon Building – Sept 2020

We were in and out of the Devon Building a few times. We were with a fellow Investigator named Chris most of our evening.

We were setting up, and you can kind of hear us in the far background. This was recorded, it stats a little over 5 seconds in.

Here is the above audio with some of the noise reduced and clipped down to the relevant section.

Those of you that know us, know one of our lead investigators is Erica B.

The flashlight! AGAIN In the Devon Building. While we were setting up in the Devon Building my flashlight started blinking which for this flashlight indicates the batteries are going dead. Given our last experience at Pennhurst with the flashlight battery draining, we made sure we had fresh batteries in our flashlights. Something about this building likes to drain our flashlight batteries.

I start to change flashlight batteries, you hear me drop one of the cells, and our recorder caught “something” right at about 4 seconds in.

Investigator Chris was sitting on the floor and asks “Can you tell me your name?” Right around 7 seconds you hear something, then about 8.5 seconds there’s a click followed by something else.

This is an interesting clip. Investigator Chris asks what is your Age, the Paralus app responds with One. The REM Pod temperature sensor seemed “stuck” which does happen from time to time. When this happens, you manually Zero the temperature sensor by pressing the button on the REM pod. Just as I was about to reset it, it stopped beeping, and started to walk away it started up again!