Bube’s Brewery – Sept 2020 – Bar Room

The Bar was a very interesting area. Jott-Nyx was running their Pasmabox, we were running our SLS Camera, and we brought out our Portal Box for use in the backroom. We broke this down into 3 sections. First the SLS Hits. Second the recordings that we have relatively high confidence in, and third the ones we have less confidence in (things like Phasmabox responses), but found interesting none the less.

The SLS Hits.

Multiple people were saying they were hearing something. Someone was using some German phrases trying to see if they could get the spirit to show itself…

Hit 2 came up when they were asking for Nevin and something showed up in the doorway between the backroom and the bar.

Hit 3 was a quick hit which showed something sitting in one of the chairs.

Hit 4 someone was saying they felt something on their chest, we turned the SLS towards them, and at first thought we saw it mapping her. But it looked like it was going to move so we followed it all the way to moving through the door. I then tried to remap the person I thought it had mapped the first time but it wouldn’t do it. She was actually too far away and too many objects in front of her for the SLS to have mapped her.

High Confidence Recordings.
Someone was asking if it was Nevin that we saw on the SLS camera. At about 3 1/2 seconds in you hear the first hit and it’s multiple words. Then it is asked is that you Nevin, and 12 seconds you hear a response to that.

What we hear is the first response is “Why. we’re the spirits right?” Then we hear something followed by “Bube.”

Someone was asking about who is using the bathroom and we hear something about 2 1/2 seconds.

It sounds like “Go Home” then something. Can you make it out?

There was random going on’s and just a quite moment and this was caught.

Sounds like it’s saying “Can’t talk, come see”

All evening down in the Bar area we kept hearing “chatter” and people commenting about hearing a little girl. At about 3 seconds in you hear something that sounds like a little girl and people commenting about what the heard.

Back in the “Pastor’s” room off the bar, we caught this at about 1.2 seconds

It sound like someone saying “Try it like that”

There was talk about how “messy the bar was, and that it they should clean it” about 2 1/2 seconds in it sound like someone’s attention was caught

Low Confidence ones, but interesting none the less.

This was from the Phasmabox someone was asking if Annie was down in the bar, and you hear ‘it’s not me”

These are very hard to discern. It was our first field test of our portalbox so we are still tweaking the hardware’s echo/repeat capabilities. About 5 seconds in

It sounds to us like it says “Me, Hunter” and some things in between.

This one was just randomly caught. This recording is the same thing twice, the first 1/2 is played at normal speed, the second half is played at 25% speed reduction so it’s easier to hear.

It sounds to us like it’s saying “Hi there”