Bube’s Brewery – Sept 2020 – Catacombs

The Catacombs are 43 feet below the main part of the brewery. Many of us had some serious issues with batteries down in the catacombs.

We were all just settling in down in the catacombs, and this was caught:

It sounds to us like it is saying “Bet the four” We have no idea what this could possibly be in reference to. Bube’s has a long history surviving times like prohibition so this could be some kind of residual voice.

Our own investigator Erica B. says she felt something playing with her hair, the Ovilus said “Above.” Was it agreeing?

We were talking about the cat ball telling anything which was there what to do with it to make it light up. At about 10.5 seconds it sound like it’s may be acknowledging it understands.

We all kept hearing what sounded like whispers all evening down in the catacombs. We may have caught some of it here at 3 – 4 seconds:

As the night was coming to close I was going to setup the Flux 2 only to find the battery had drained. We we asked if anyone was draining the batteries, and right about 15 seconds into the recording you can hear “No.” It was loud enough that practically everyone down there heard it and you can hear us discuss hearing it. Watch it all the way though if you can, we try to see if we can debunk the No we heard as being someone saying Hello from another room.

We also caught it on our voice recorder. the “No” is not as pronounced as it is on the video, but on the voice recorder if you listen closely you at 6 seconds you hear the No, and what sounds like the cadence of 2 more words following it.

We isolated the “No” so you can hear just that.

As we were just about to go, after the NO they were talking about the far back corner being cold, that’s where, based on listening to other investigators recordings and how well they caught the No, we concluded was the area that the No came from. You can hear someone a voice at about 2.5 second in starting to come through when someone in the room begins to speak over it.