Madison Seminary – October 2020 – Getting started and Base Camp

We had a lot of personal experiences in Madison Seminary. It always felt as if we were playing cat and mouse. At times we felt as if we were the ones being investigated.

We made some tactical mistakes. First one which we underestimated the sheer size and the number of rooms in this location. Second we didn’t rest up much before going so we ended the night earlier then we would have liked. We didn’t make it up to the Asylum room during this visit to investigate it. Next time we go back there we will be sure to correct these mistakes.

During the walk through investigator Erica B felt as if her jacket got tugged on up in the asylum room. The entire civil war side has an oppressive feel to it. There was the constant “chattering” that was always far enough away we could not capture it.

During a bathroom break Investigator Tim B. when looking down the hallway from the bathrooms saw a shadow move on the stairs blocking out the red glow of the emergency exit sign light.

While walking between floors, Tim B’s flashlight was turned off while in his hand.

We caught a small clip of it here, but like so many of our other recordings from here, it’s very faint and hard to hear.

We setup a video camera on the dolls which were in the wheel chairs and captured a voice about 10 seconds in. It’s very faint and hard to hear.

We had interesting SLS hit we are still reviewing.