Haldeman Mansion – October 2020

Our friends over at Jott-Nyx hosted a public investigation over at the Haldeman Mansion. This has fast become one of our favorite locations to investigate so we had to get one more in before the season ended. Most of the people who were in attendance had previous investigation experience and brought a lot of their own equipment. It’s always great to see what others are using and how they are using it.

A most interesting thing occurs after doing an investigation at Haldeman Mansion. Whenever I am doing evidence double checking while posting to the website, our dog feels a need to plaster himself right next to the laptop looking at. It is like he is also hearing something and when I am done he leaves the room.

We started our night off in the Master Bedroom of the main house.

Here we had placed one of our flashlights on the window ledge. It’s an LED flashlight which is different then the one that is normally used this area. We received this SLS Hit. Note where it’s mapping is a flat wall. While neither the flashlight nor the SLS hit is enough to stand on it’s own, the fact we placed a flashlight over there and also caught this makes it interesting.

We made our way over to the Summer Kitchen and things seemed to start to ramp up. This video although from our SLS Camera is actually about the Music Box going off.

Someone had brought their SBox and started it up.
You can hear me saying that the creaking is me walking, then about 6 seconds in you hear something repeat “walking”

Someone was asking where you do call home, and we seem to get a response:

Unfortunately we didn’t capture the voice that said “It hurts” but when asked what hurts we did seem to capture something:
We can’t quite make out what it is saying there.

There was also this extra voice caught right about 4.5 seconds in this clip.

We asked what color is the light inside the box.

A response of “Orange” is interesting. The Music Box has a Green and Red LEDs in it. However WE NEVER indicated which box we were talking about. Jamie from Jott-Nyx had placed his EDI Plus meter on the wall between the beds. That could have been the orange that was being referenced.

After a break We made our way to the main house Children’s room. We started up our portal box. We thought we heard something come through so we asked “were you trying to say something”

It sounds like we hear a child saying “Mommy”

We were talking about the Servant’s room closet, and asking if they could tell us the name of the person locked in the closet.

It sounds like there is a “Yes”. Something to note, we, for some reason didn’t ask what the name is of the person locked in the closet so next time we will have to remember to be more specific and see if we can get an answer.

We moved onto the Servant’s room. There’s something about this room which always draws us to it. We asked if someone could touch the antenna of the REM pod, and you can hear an extra sound right as Erica says antenna:

I had spent about 15 minutes in the closet and could not shake the feeling there was someone sitting behind me in it. There was multiple knocks and it felt like someone was pulling on my sweat jacket hood.

We put the music box in the closet facing the direction where I felt like something was sitting behind me. A lot of things started happening.
Here’s the recording from the SLS Camera. Things to note: We had the temperature sensor turned off on the REM Pod. I thought the SLS was mapping something on the chair, but I was not, what was getting mapped on the SLS camera appeared again on a flat wall. About head height on what the SLS was mapping. When it disappeared, I started feeling a cold spot, and tried tracing it my hand, it was about waist high to me and didn’t extend upwards or down below my knees. It seemed to disappear and jump onto Erica.

Well here’s the whole sequence, watch and listen to the video and decide what you think.

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