Bube’s Brewery – Feb 27 – 2021
Bube’s Brewery rarely disappoints. As we go there more frequently, and hopefully the more comfortable whatever it is there becomes with us, the more pronounced the interactions are we seem to have.
The image above are the lights behind the bar in the ballroom which we had a very interesting interaction.
All night, we would ask questions, and all night we would consistently get “No” as a response. This response came through everything, from Spirit boxs, Ovilus, and Phasmabox.
Our first session was in the Gentleman’s Club/Bar and Canopy Room.
In the bar were were running our Spirit/Portal Box. About 3.5 seconds in there’s a voice, we can not make out what it is saying, but if you listen to the whole clip you can hear how far away from the recorder we all are:
Things seemed relatively quite in the Bar room so we moved to the Canopy room. One of the other investigators was still in the bar area walking around what is called the preacher’s room. The Phasmabox came out with this.
We don’t know exactly what was being asked back in the preacher’s room’s area, but it is curious why the phasmabox would come out with what sounds like “Did you know that? There’s a religious answer to that.”
Our second session was up in the Ballroom.
A lot of people thought they heard a voice, there does seem to be a whisper we caught right after we ask “Annie is that you with us”:
The next series of events is where things got really interesting.
In the ballroom there’s a bar, and there are lights behind the bar. The lights are controlled by a remote which are underneath the bar. While we were doing a normal Q&A Session the lights behind the bar turned on and then turned off after a few minutes seemingly in a direct response to can you turn them off. Unfortunately we didn’t have any our cameras pointed in that direction when the lights turned on.
Here’s the audio of what occurred. (Warning Alexa/Google Assistance/Siri trigger warning)
One of the other investigators Havannah A. Did fortunately pull out her phone and recorded this:
(A big thanks to Havannah A. who gave us permission to use this video). We have not adjusted/changed/or modified the video in any way.
Right after the lights turned off, The SLS Camera’s screen turned off and turned back on again as if the power button was quickly pushed. That also ended up killing the recording we were making with the camera.
The catacombs were relativity quiet that night.