Fort Mifflin – June 5 – 2021

On June 5 2021 New Jersey Paranormal Investigations hosted a public investigation of the historic Fort Mifflin on the Delaware. We have visited Fort Mifflin many times in the past and always had a great experience. This visit was no different. The amazing history of Fort Mifflin is something that needs to be experienced. Commissioned in 1771 it was an active military fort on the Delaware River during the Revolutionary War and was in service for over 183 years.

Fort Mifflin runs a significant number of programs all year long which help fund renovations, upkeep, and the historical programs. Please consider heading on over to the website and donating to keep this piece of American History going.

The investigation:

One of the most interesting aspects of investigating Fort Mifflin for us is when we are doing EVP sessions we seem to get responses to questions being asked somewhere else in the vicinity so often times they do not make sense until we find out what someone else asked in another room or section.

Right about the 1.5s mark you hear a voice that is most likely in response to a question asked somewhere else in the casemate.

We went over to the Officers Quarters and asked if anyone wants to talk to us tonight…. it sounds like they were not interested.

We moved to the other room of the Officers Quarters and there’s something right as you hear the sound of the plane trailing off. It sounds kind of a like a child…

Another group was in the room next door to us, and was asking questions. It seems our Ovilus might have been used to answer them:

We headed over to Casemate 11 and had some interesting interactions with our Ovilus

Another voice in Casemate 11 we couldn’t place